Tag Archive for: Mindfulness


Worry and Anxiety Without Facts


Watch Rianna as she talks about worrying. She admits that she frequently worries about issues that aren’t currently relevant. But through this experience, she learns to stop these thoughts and stop thinking that the worst will happen.

The best thing to do when your mind is racing is to make a mental note. You can start by taking three deep breaths. You can also close your eyes. This helps our mind to stop it thinking negative thoughts. Often times when we worry, we let our minds run wild even without knowing the facts. Try to reflect on what you are worried about. By doing this, we can recognize if we are creating this inner anxiety.

2:12 Meditation For Anxiety and Worry

Always tell yourself that it is going to be okay.

2:27 Rianna introduces her favorite products for meditating

AIR Organic Eucalyptus Aromatherapy Spray – It is a significant product in terms of having set our minds. It also aids in the transcendence of our minds. She also mentions that she enjoys spraying this before going to bed. It brings her peace and calm.

Organic Hand Sanitizer, Lavender, and Lemon – Excellent for cleansing the space. Lavender and Lemon help to relax our senses.

CLEANSING – Verbena Aromatherapy with Selenite CANDLE – It contains Selenite, which is a healing gemstone. She adores this gem candle because it speaks to her. She also suggests that you find a candle that resonates to you.


Jade Crystal Gem Facial Mask For Anti-Aging + Cucumber Hyaluronic Hydration Calming & Restoring – This is an excellent meditation tool. It can care for our skin while we meditate. This is very important in combining both beauty and wellness.

She also advises you to do the meditation by finding a relaxing spot for additional rest or nap while using Jade Gem Mask.

4:32 Start of Meditation

A lot of this meditation is focused on our minds and whether or not what we are worried about is real or if we are just making it up. When your mind is racing, you need to stop and be calm. The best way to do this is by meditation.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths slowly. Stretch your neck and push your shoulders down. This is all about being aware of our mental state and releasing all of the tension in our bodies.

The next step is to ask ourselves what we are concerned about. Is this something that happened in the past? If it did, it is perfectly normal to feel this way. This means that we are still processing what happened. Continue to take deep breaths as you reflect on these questions.

Recognize that the mind has the ability to quickly imagine situations. Fear, anxiety, and even stress can drive it. The more we practice this meditation, the more we will notice when our mind is racing ahead. We need to take a deep breath and realize that this is not our true selves and that this is not truly happening right now; this habit does not serve us in living a healthy well-balanced life.

Continue to breathe deeply and relax your entire body. When you’re ready, open your eyes slowly and take three deep breaths. Spend some time alone with yourself to process your thoughts.

She hopes that this meditation helps you gather your thoughts. You are not alone. We are working on this together. Make sure to reach out to a friend to put things into perspective if you need additional support.




Thank you for taking the time to read and watch our vlog. As a thank you, we’re offering a 30% discount on our Jade Crystal Gem Facial Mask and Cucumber Serum. To get the 30% off, enter this code at checkout: WORRYBLOG


How to Handle Family or Crazy People with Positivity

Does someone drive you crazy? Watch Rianna as she discusses these different scenarios. Common triggers are family events, social gatherings, or even a co-worker which can trigger you negatively. She advises that it is always best to have self-reflection to help us prepare for these challenging people.

The best way to address this situation is to recognize your anxiousness and turn the negativity into a positive. So, even though someone drives you crazy, acknowledge that there is greatness in them, you just have to find it. She advises always to look at the positive rather than the negative and try to see the greatness in the person. As you try to find that positive trait about them, that’s already helping your process and changing the way your mind thinks.

Another excellent practice is to cultivate the opposite thought, and always be mindful always turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Always try to turn your negative thoughts around.

Meditation for positivity around those who drive us crazy

Start your meditation by visualizing your upcoming event. Prepare to not react if you are in the same room as the person who triggers you.

The first thing you’ll do is sit down and, if desired, close your eyes. Visualize being at this event with this person. Take a moment to consider what you intend to do and your expectations for the event.

Then think about that person. Consider something special about them that makes you happy and joyful. You will not consider their negative characteristics or how they make us feel; instead, you will concentrate on what is positive about them.

Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Stay here as long as you want. After that, calm down before leaving the house to attend the event.

Thank you for taking the time to read and watch our vlog. As a thank you, we’re offering a 30% discount on our Rose Quartz Crystal Gem Facial Mask For Self-Care + Rose Petal Reserve Serum and Jade Crystal Gem Facial Mask For Anti-Aging + Cucumber Hyaluronic Hydration Calming & Restoring. To get the 30% off, enter this code at checkout: CRAZYBLOG


Decluttering Helps Success

00:00 Introduction

Watch Rianna as she talks about how decluttering can lead to success. Having too much stuff around prevents you from accomplishing your goals. She shares her experiences that when there is too much clutter around her, she feels anxious and it can affect day-to-day activities.

She also discusses the connections between our inner and outer worlds. Take a moment to be mindful and recognize if the outer suddenly reflects the inner or vice versa.

Surround yourself with things that bring you joy and avoid things that bring you frustration and stress.

Priorities and make a project list.

Prioritize what’s most important to you to feel that your inner and outer world is at peace. Start to think about your day-to-day first and reflect on your activities. Then, make a list that bothers or prevents you from feeling centered and at peace. After you identify this, you should create a project of solving and solutions to prevent your list from happening again.

4:55 Self-Guided Meditation for Decluttering

Recommendation: bring a  box in your room to easily pick out the items that you find no joy in and that we feel like it’s time to move forward without these items. You should make this a fast decision and listen to your heart.

You may need to take a bit more time with items that may have some form of sentimental value. Place them into a box. You’ll perform a meditation and touch each object to determine whether it makes you happy. If it doesn’t, it is time to let it go.

Products can be used during meditation

First, use Organic Lavender & Lemon Hand Sanitizer for cleansing the space and aromatherapy to help set the mood for clearing and cleansing our clutter internally and externally. You can also Eucalyptus spray the room with Eucalyptus Spray which brings clarity and a zen-like feel to relax.

Benefits of Organic Hand Sanitizer

  • 95% Organic Alcohol to reduce germs and viruses
  • Organic lemon oil naturally sanitize and kill germs treat skin, and is a healthy alternative to fragrance
  • Organic lavender oil naturally disinfects and treats skin and offers a healthy alternative to fragrance
  • Non-Sticky can be used on the skin, all surfaces, cellphones, and devices, and create your own wipes in a greener more effective way

Benefits of Lemon and Lavender Aromatherapy

  • fights exhaustion
  • helps with depression
  • clears your skin
  • kills harmful viruses and bacteria
  • reduces inflammation.
  • promotes relaxation
  • believed to treat anxiety fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps.

(Products on the photo: Organic Hand SanitizerOrganic Eucalyptus Aromatherapy SprayCLEANSING – Verbena Aromatherapy with Selenite CandleRose Mist Spray Face & Hair.)

Next, she holds a crystal gem that represents clearing the space and air, change, and new beginnings. She follows that by using a tiny amount of Rose Mist to cleanse, which also helps to clear her thoughts.

Key Ingredients and Benefits of Rose Mist

  • Himalayan pink salts: detoxifies the body by balancing the PH, it also helps to improve hydration, minerals, and blood sugar.
  • Rose flower water: Rose flower contains therapeutic benefits that relax the skin and body and are rich in vitamin C for a glowing brighter appearance. Rose petals contain healthy natural oils that lock moisture into cells to keep skin youthful and hydrated.
  • Watermelon extract: Improves the appearance of aged and stressed skin giving the look of more youthful, regenerated skin. Watermelon extract also reduces the appearance of redness.

Why Get Rid of Sentimental Items?

  • People get rid of sentimental items for a variety of reasons, including:
  • Space
  • Death of a loved one
  • Emotional burden

If your sentimental items are causing you anxiety and stress, it may be time to let them go. It’s okay to admit that something in your life is no longer necessary. These are all material things that come in and out of our lives.


7:40 Start of Meditation

Take three bows. She then sits straight, opens her palms, and takes several deep breaths.

She thinks about the projects, priorities, and items. A gift is one of the most difficult items to declutter.

She considers whether this item represents something or someone, and she recalls in her heart that the sentimental value and essence of the giver’s gift are already in her heart. After that, she places her hand on her chest. And reflect on it.

Make peace with the item and remind yourself that it is time to let go and move forward without these items. Stay in this position as long as you need.

When you’re finished reflecting, take a bow to end your meditation.

(Product on the photo: CLEANSING – Verbena Aromatherapy with Selenite Candle)

Tips on How to Let Go or Donate Your Sentimental Clutter

  • Take a photo of your item
  • Say goodbye to your item
  • Find the right donation place

These sentimental items aren’t always what we’re looking for. We simply want to be closer to the memories that are important to us. Letting go of sentimental items that no longer bring us joy or comfort is a form of healing that allows us to truly value what is essential.